During a cold winter...
Right after my parents leaving we got to be ready for some friends coming to our place, One irish Keith (plane), Mr keith alias "guilty"...My Barbu (train) Mr thomas alias "the beast" and Julien alias Poiro and his friend Ludo, add that Mika and Karolina......That promesses to be a good time, to summarize we were mostly partying and so on...These are pictures of the new years eve in Belle&herbs cafe http://blog.ilovebelleandherbs.co.uk/
When they arrived we spent some time in a pub that opened for us :) i dont even remember who was sleeping where...
After a quick "coq au vin" from barbu, direction next turn the next door as we call it, some friends of Sam were there, so we were ready to enjoy the evening together.

In this nice and pleasant atmoshpere, you can see, my friend Jonny talking with barbu, sam in front of us, and as well the Chef Thomas cooking...every thing finished at home.
So now things get normal again, and we tell you Good bye....
"chizel wezel fizel" ..We are in front of the millenium bridge and the baltic center...we will come back!!
1 comment:
Salut Greg, merci pour ton message, ça fait super plaisir. Vive la famille. Si j'ecris en anglais c'est parce qu'on a commencé ce blog en anglais. Je vais pas écrire en polonais et en français, j'ai pas voulu offenser mes cousins. Donc pas de remarque a la ...Merci!
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