:) Seems that we were saying good bye quite a lot of times to Horsens.
I had a grate time in denmark and it was really sad to leave and to go to England where we didn't know anybody:) except Mika who decided to go! to Newcastle also!!! At the last day few hours before flight we went to the bar to drink last beers:) and say the final good bye to everone:) Thanks that you all came:)
Just after that we went to Aarhus to catch the plain to london...where we were waiting 7 hours for the plain to Newcastle. Never again Ryain air:) In Newcastle new part of our voyage has started:)
bu about that maybe later:)
..no i tak to sie wlasnie dania zakonczyla...smutno bylo...biale chusteczki od lez wiernych kolezanek mokre powiewaly na wietrze...

I had a grate time in denmark and it was really sad to leave and to go to England where we didn't know anybody:) except Mika who decided to go! to Newcastle also!!! At the last day few hours before flight we went to the bar to drink last beers:) and say the final good bye to everone:) Thanks that you all came:)
Just after that we went to Aarhus to catch the plain to london...where we were waiting 7 hours for the plain to Newcastle. Never again Ryain air:) In Newcastle new part of our voyage has started:)
bu about that maybe later:)
..no i tak to sie wlasnie dania zakonczyla...smutno bylo...biale chusteczki od lez wiernych kolezanek mokre powiewaly na wietrze...

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