The departure ... We left at 6H45, i guess, the train was going as fast as a goat in kazakstan,i guess as well, we saw a queue of cars and we understood we were close to european gates...Then Vladimir poutines' neveu came in and picked up evryones' passport, i did not dare or attempting to think about complaining...(ça m'a rappelé mon passage à la frontière polonaise) la c'est le drame...j hallucine, he came back and looked at me like Benoit Poolvoerde in le boulet and the officer, cool one, looked at me, i was smiling, but he insisted to check if it was a real one, (i m laughting but iwas not at all at this time), another came back and ask me in Ukrainien something, a couple tried to translate behind but idd not want to be involved and poor karolina tried as far as possible to speak in polish but he said sorry not to speak french or english...he really asked why we were here (to visit wanker) it was not the good path i guess again...and forbid us to take the same train to come back...that means it must be a crazy stuff to see...the path between two countries the in the south in Poland...hidden...bizarre!I really i wont finish the trip alive. And he said ok (i arrange) then we breath out, we made 5 kms more and then (the moon)no(a pink elephant)no, but an empty place, village, like in Kazakstan with borat(the english berry)with huns running after each other (who is their owners??) the couple helped us, a lot!we went to chnge some cash and waited for a wild bus, there is no normal lines in you must see the fight to climb into a bus, first everything is allowed, elbow in old woman faces, face tackling, forcing...we came in, gave the money from one hand to another..(don t even think about sleeping in there)...we saw roads, another world, so close from here...
we finally reached Lviv train station (4/5 hours to make 90kms)and our friends bogdanandvanillaice had to follow their way to east, more than 20 hours trip to do...amazing!
The first taxi we took, looked like a rocco sifredi video clip, or the next borat's movie, the trick was he asked us(which language?)how much we ld give him..tourist youthink we are??a snicky bastard?
Yes , we are.we gave the same amount as we paid to come from poland....
We met some Americans students making a "one day in a european capital then I know the place",looking for a Mc donald i guess or massive destruction weapons as well, really i just like everything to summarize: we walked a lot, saw the most beautiful city i have seen so far,had good fun,very happy, a lot of fanta, even a party in the night club (nice cheeks),i recommand,karolina is one the first picture in fornt of a gorgeous grafiti...we bought a camera over there.I bought a nice flag and funny stuff on the market....
The cemetary (wa had a marvellous feet bath in the fontaine!) and a street and a nice façade on the market place, many many churches to see there...
My karolina, the star! who saved my ass many times, because she speaks Kazakstanian, polish and ukrainian very weel!
Once we left lwow, we went back to the train station, jumped into a train for Poland(have to be carefull not going to saint Petersburg!)and we met two polish guys, 1 from holland, and 1 girl from Brussels, we had a nice talk druing the trip back to ustrzyki-dolne, a lot of time, it s crazy how people are patient in here!We saw all the cigarets smugglers hiding their fortune in roofs & seats and we finally arrive we saw the borders guards, even one woman lost a lot of money because she got caught!The tea was good in this train...I wil go back to Lwow one day!
This "virée" was more than a visit, it was a be continued